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Showing posts from March, 2024

k8s rolling updates are not working

k8s rolling updates are not working Issue Whenever we were deploying a new release, pods were deleting to Fix no. like 2 then scaling up as per HPA. Cause Whenever we use replicas alongwith hpa and the deployment happens it first sets the pod count as per replicas, then hpa kick in and set the new values. To avoid this please remove or comment replicas in your yaml file. Relates Issues Old Pod is still running even after fresh deployment. Deployed Pod is still not created ( if only one pod was running 1). Relates Posts

Microsoft Ldap login using python

Microsoft Ldap login using python3 Install dependent packages python3 -m pip install ldap3 Sample Code to test login from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL, SUBTREE from ldap3.core.exceptions import LDAPException, LDAPBindError def connect_ldap_server(SERVER_URI, DN,USERNAME, PASSWORD): try: # Provide the hostname and port number of the openLDAP server = Server(SERVER_URI, get_info=ALL) # username and password can be configured during openldap setup connection = Connection(server, user='CN='+USERNAME+','+DN, password=PASSWORD) bind_response = connection.bind() # Returns True or False return bind_response except LDAPBindError as e: connection = e return False # print(connection) # print(bind_response) if connect_ldap_server('ldap://','OU=Headoffice,DC=example,DC=com', 'testuser',