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Showing posts from January, 2024

Add a Approval System in Jenkins For Build

Approval System in Jenkins For Build Use Cases: Only Specific users must be able to approve the build Speific users should be able to run the build without Approval Approval Can be turn off and On On-Demand Jenkins Variables Needs to Created under ( Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Environment variables ) ApprovalAdmins (Value: jenkins emails comma separated) skipApprovalUsers (Value: jenkins emails comma separated) BuildApproval (Value: True, False) import jenkins.model.Jenkins def getBuildUser() { return currentBuild.getBuildCauses('hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause')['userId'] } pipeline { agent { label 'ec2-fleet-common' } stages { stage('Approval Process') { when { expression { env.BuildApproval == 'True' || env.BuildApproval == 'true' } } steps { script {